Douglas Walker Park - Byron Center, MI

Jerod + Melissa

Photo of wedding couple on bridge at Douglas Walker Park in Byron Center Michigan

When I got the call to attend Melissa and Jerod’s wedding at Douglas Walker Park in Byron City, Michigan, I was over the moon with excitement. It was like a refreshing change of scenery, swapping the desert for lush greenery, and heading from the south up to the north. Let me share how I first crossed paths with Melissa.


Back in 2019 and early 2020, I was managing sports photographers for a company called Ultimate Team Products. Melissa and I had exchanged messages and calls quite often since she was a team lead for the company, organizing my travel every weekend. Despite all the communication, we had only met once, coincidentally right when the pandemic hit and all sporting events were canceled. She happened to be passing through Arizona, so we finally met face-to-face in a hotel lobby in Phoenix. After that, we mainly kept in touch through social media.


During the lockdown, both of us took different paths career-wise. Melissa pursued teaching while I dove headfirst into my photography career. When I showed up for her wedding, her mom said something that warmed my heart: “You’ve been amazing! Melissa knew from the start who she wanted as her wedding photographer. You were the one thing she was absolutely certain of.” Hearing that filled me with such joy and validation!

Melissa and Jerod’s love story blossomed through a close-knit group of friends during their college years in Grand Rapids, though they attended different schools. Their paths crossed again when Melissa visited a couple of times during the summer of 2021. While there isn’t a precise “first date” moment, their connection deepened during late-night conversations after spending time with friends. It was during a movie night on her second visit that they decided to give long-distance dating a shot, with Melissa in Denver.


Their relationship thrived on shared interests in fantasy and sci-fi, cooking, working out, and outdoor adventures like traveling, hiking, tubing, and kayaking. Their bond grew stronger with each shared experience, weaving a tapestry of memories that laid the foundation for their journey together.

What I adored about collaborating with Melissa and Jerod was their understanding of the importance of photography, which gave us ample time to capture their special day. We were able to seize the golden hour and capture the magical moments of sunset as well. I was thrilled that we didn’t have to rush through those precious moments, knowing that these images would become cherished memories adorning their walls for years to come.

Wanna work together? Let's Do This!