Tempe Town Lake


Let me tell you about Gio and our time together at Tempe Town Lake. He’s SUPER smart and loves anime and theater and seems to like to make people laugh. I found him humorous anyway!


At first when I walked up to our meeting spot at the Tempe Lake Bridge, Gio arrived and I couldn’t believe how much taller he had gotten from the last time I photographed him. It was about 4 years ago actually on his front porch during Covid! I had done a Front Porch Project in 2020, photographing people at the front of their homes in what they were doing during the time of shut down. All while keeping my distance of course.


His family is originally from New Jersey and while the landscape is definitely different back there, this location was perfect by having the water and the bridges to photograph at. I always find this the perfect senior spot for guys for sure.


By the end of our time together, I learned about some of his favorite plays. I like theater, but there were even a couple of shows I hadn’t even heard of. I definitely felt that theater and the music of the shows was something he could have gone on and on with me about, if we didn’t have to get Senior photos during our time together too. He graduates from Willow Canyon High School in Surprise, AZ this year!

Wanna work together? Let's Do This!