West Valley Tour - Waddell, AZ


Hey ya’ll! Imagine capturing the essence of a senior session that’s more than just photos – it’s an adventure! So, Raven and his mom drove all the way from Chandler to the far west valley in Waddell, AZ just for my senior VIP tour experience.


Now, here’s the cool part – my senior VIP tours are like photo adventures. We don’t just stick to the script; we go off-road, literally! Picture this: “Let’s pull off on the side of the road here!” becomes our mantra. We explore, stop at interesting spots, and create looks that are as unique as the senior I’m photographing. It’s not just a session; it’s a journey filled with unexpected and awesome photo opportunities.


Let me paint the picture of Raven’s senior adventure – introverted but oh-so-delightful! Despite being a bit shy, he was a breeze to work with, always going with the flow when I threw ideas his way. This guy, standing tall at 6’8″, is not just a senior; he’s a basketball center from James Madison Prep in Tempe, AZ.


Now, get this – Raven’s not only ruling the basketball court; he’s also acing tennis and cruising on a motorcycle gifted by his mom! Talk about diverse interests. And hold onto your hat – after high school, he’s diving into welding at East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT). How awesome is that?


You know what I love most about these senior tours? It’s not just about snapping unique photos; it’s about getting to know these incredible individuals. Raven, my man, congrats on your journey!

Wanna work together? Let's Do This!