The snow was coming down and we were getting alerts on the Winter Storm just a couple of days before these photos were to take place. This couple and I were driving up to the Yavapai County Courthouse in Prescott, AZ from the Phoenix area for their Courthouse Wedding Photos. I’m not going to lie, I was a little nervous, as I do not like driving in heavy snow. It can always be a little scary.
We arrived and finished at the perfect time, because toward the end of our time together the snow was coming down indeed. However, I just knew the snow falling was going to really make these photos so much more special. I was right. Little things like snow in my bride’s hair just made me love them.
We were all super cold, it was below freezing at 30 degrees fahrenheit. In fact, I don’t work well with gloves, so I go without them and my fingers were numb as I tried to get into the car even pulling on the car handle. It was hard to bend my fingers. I remember getting into my car having to take a minute as I felt sick to my stomach just from being out in the cold for the short time we were. We weren’t even out in it that long.
However, these are the things you remember and look back on that don’t matter after you get all the photos on the computer and see how magical the whole time together was. This happens quite a bit when being given different locations, situations, and circumstances. It is what makes my job as a photographer such a joy and adventure at the same time.